With a focus on 3D Modeling, and the drive to solve engineering challenges in a simple, delightful, and creative way!
Specialized CAD solutions using Solidworks software.
Specialized CAD solutions using Solidworks software.
Design and model complex mechanisms to test operation before you invest in prototype production.
Take the guess work out of final hardware utilizing part modeling and rendering.
Part creation via surface modeling, part manipulation via surface tools, case design using surface shells, as well as STL import and fixing to create a working solid body.
Sheetmetal part design and documentation.
Understand the component layer stack for production and assembly.
Custom hardware designed to integrate new parts into existing design spaces.
Custom design and installation for robotics and automation systems. Including: ST Robotics R17, DOBOT, FANUC LR-Mate-200iD, UR 500, and more!
Technical part drawings for documentation and manufacturing.
Custom fixtures and jigs for sensor-level, bench-top, sub-assembly, and full-system product development, testing, and validation.
Visualize and explore design possibilities without the manufacturing costs of multiple prototypes.
Hardware modification design driven by CAD model simulation.
8020 Frames with functional components for project test and display.
Controller enclosures, test system safety, 3D-Print optimized enclosures for product test fixtures.